(1499–1561). Graveur parisien et fondeur de caractères, Claude Garamond (ou Garamont) est célèbre dans l'histoire de la typographie ; mais sa carrière aussi bien que sa vie privée sont mal connues. We’ve been busy, working hard to bring you new features and an updated design. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 18 octobre 2020 à 10:41. In 1545, Garamond entered the publishing trade in a partnership with Jean Barbé, a Parisian bookseller. To share with more than one person, separate addresses with a comma. After translating an article, all tools except font up/font down will be disabled. [10][11] He married twice, to Guillemette Gaultier and, after her death, to Ysabeau Le Fevre. Garamond is the name of a character in the Wii game Super Paper Mario. Deux siècles après la mort du graveur, n’importe quel imprimeur européen pouvait se procurer ces caractères. In 1540, after years of experimentation, Garamond perfected a roman type that was designed unmistakably for mechanical reproduction. [25] From the Simoncini foundry of Bologna, there is Francesco Simoncini's Garamond Simoncini. [15] According to Arthur Tilley, the resulting books are "among the most finished specimens of typography that exist." Dès le règne de Louis XVI, on perçoit dans les livres une altération des tendances «  rococo ». le lycée Claude Garamont ouvrira ses portes pour vous faire découvrir toutes ses formations. [22], In 1621, sixty years after Garamond's death, the French printer Jean Jannon (1580–1635) created a type specimen with very similar attributes, though his letterforms were more asymmetrical, and had a slightly different slope and axis. Claude Garamond Claude Garamond – born c. 1480 in Paris, France, died 1561 in Paris, France – type founder, publisher, punch cutter, type designer. [17], In November of 1561, following his death, his equipment, punches, and matrices were inventoried and sold off to purchasers including Guillaume Le Bé, Christophe Plantin, and André Wechel. It was not until 1927, more than 100 years later, that Jannon's "Garamond" typefaces were correctly credited to him on the basis of scholarly research by Beatrice Warde. Jannon's typefaces were lost for more than a century before their rediscovery at the National Printing Office of France in 1825, when they were wrongly attributed to Garamond. Its curved bodies and sharpness set it apart from other Garamond interpretations, and many are fond of Stempel in italics for its grace. En effet, contrairement aux habitudes de son temps, son testament n’invoque ni la Vierge, ni aucun saint. [10] In favour of a later date, his will of 1561 states that his mother was then still alive. Son exécuteur testamentaire, André Wechel, déclarera quant à lui ouvertement sa foi protestante peu après[1]. [26][27] The result is an immensely complicated set of type, including a vast variety of alternate letters and ligatures to simulate the flexibility of handwriting.

[14] Garamond based these types on the handwriting of Angelo Vergecio, the King's Librarian at Fontainebleau, as well as that of his ten-year-old pupil, Henri Estienne. Malgré l'interruption révolutionnaire, la continuité de l'art du livre, depuis la fin de l'Ancien Régime jusqu'à l'Empire, est assurée par de nombreux éléments : permanence de la gravure sur cuivre, mêm […] Avec les caractères italiques d’Aldo Manuce, elles devinrent le support privilégié de la vague de rééditions d’auteurs latins pendant la Renaissance. It is a lighter, more delicate Garamond type. 1530: Garamond’s first type is used in an edition of the book “Paraphrasis in Elegantiarum Libros Laurentii Vallae” by Erasmus.

Pour dessiner ces caractères, dit plus tard Grecs du roi, Garamond s’inspira de l’écriture du maître écrivain crétois Ange Vergèce. URL : https://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/claude-garamond/. La vie de Claude Garamond, tout comme celle d'Antoine Augereau, sert de toile de fond au roman d'Anne Cuneo, Le Maître de Garamond. Le testament de Claude Garamont, ministère de la Culture, commémorations nationales. He worked in the tradition now called old-style serif design, which produced letters with a relatively organic structure resembling handwriting with a pen but with a slightly more structured and upright design. His fonts have been widely copied and are still produced and in use today. Le triomphe de l'écriture romaine face aux écritures nationales dans toute une partie de l'Europe à partir des années 1530 s'explique d'abord par le prestige de son origine et par celui des lettres latines. Il sera l’un des premiers à … Mais aussi par le fait que cette écriture était soutenue par une véritable idéologie. 1520: trains with Geoffroy Tory.

This page was last modified on 11 December 2015, at 08:44. The period from 1520 to around 1560, encompassing Garamond's career as an artisan, was an extremely busy period for typeface creation, with a wide range of fonts created, some apparently for exclusive use by a specific printer, others sold or traded between them. WORLDWIDE. Slimbach enhanced and prepared his interpretations of Garamond's types in 1988. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. [26] There is Stempel Garamond, from the German foundry, Egenolff-Berner, Monotype's Garamond produced by Fritz Max Steltzer, Garamond Monotype, Tony Stan's ITC Garamond, and Garamond Berthold by Hermann Berthold. He was regarded as the best typecutter of his day. In 1541 Robert Estienne was commissioned by Francis I to supply the king’s library with books printed in the Greek type of Garamond (named grecs du roi in the king’s honor). [41] The chaotic sales caused problems, and Le Bé's son wrote to Plantin's successor Moretus offering to trade matrices so they could both have complementary type in a range of sizes. Slimbach wanted to preserve the original body of Garamond's types, but added modern subtleties to the new type, which would be Garamond Premier Pro. Claude Garamond was born in 1499 in Paris, France.

In the 1970s, this was a very popular typeface for advertising in New York and was Apple's packaging and branding typeface for a long timeframe.[30]. Les lettres de Garamond sont fluides et cohérentes. French type designer and publisher Claude Garamond (also spelled Garamont) was a major force in making well-designed and superbly cut types available to printers, including those who generally could not have afforded the services of capable punch cutters.