Rebooted as Newshounds Remastered in March 2016. In the original Newshounds comic strip run, the team ran KPET, a television channel operating out of Lorna's home. The book invented some of his Newshoundscharacters, including Kevin J.

This page was last edited on 28 February 2020, at 20:03.
Wolfram Blitzen and Renata Fayre (both dogs) were the news anchors.

Not even her new eyepatch earned her any sympathy, although the fact that she clearly felt no guilt over selling Rochelle up the river and felt KPET owed her in a big way for the information didn't help. Newshounds and its continuing series Newshounds II are a long-running Furry Web Comic by Thomas K. Dye (the author of, among other things, Something Happens). In Newshounds II, the comic developed a more page-oriented layout, with the entire team moving on to Mega News West to moderate video blogs. and sold out Rochelle? The original strip lasted from November, 1997 to December, 2006. The original strip lasted from November, 1997 to December, 2006. Wolfram has been brainwashed into thinking he has always been a fighting dog and doesn't recognize Rochelle, his wife. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from because she was pregnant (but didn't know it yet) and her maternal instincts had subconsciously kicked in. Wolfram Blitzen and Renata Fayre (both dogs) were the news anchors. It's about a human woman, Lorna, and the six (originally four) dogs, one cat and one rat she has adopted and employed to work in television news.

Alistair Katt (a cat) was the meteorologist.

Ferris has finally sold one of his many, *many* ideas and it's being optioned as a TV Series,, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

and sold out Rochelle, was sold to a lab and experimented on. In Newshounds II, the comic developed a more page-oriented layout, with the entire team moving on to Mega News West to moderate video blogs. Sam Shepherd (a dog) was the sports reviewer. The continuation started in July, 2007 and ended on September 29th, 2014. She was sold to a lab and experimented on, not even her new eyepatch earned her any sympathy, Sam's new boss Slab tries to rape him after seeing him being chummy with Nigel. Read the story of Pandora's Box, kid.

Newshounds and its continuing series Newshounds II are a long-running Furry Web Comic by Thomas K. Dye. Rochelle O'Shea (a dog) was later hired then permanently adopted as an on-location news correspondent. Newshounds and its continuing series Newshounds II are a long-running Furry Web Comic by Thomas K. Dye.
Alistair and Nigel (currently separated). Ferris has finally sold one of his many, MANY ideas, and it's being optioned as a TV Series. It's about a human woman, Lorna, and the six (originally four) dogs, one cat and one rat she has adopted and employed to work in television news. The continuation started in July, 2007. In Newshounds II, the comic developed a more page-oriented layout, with the entire team moving on to Mega News West to moderate video blogs as they slowly work to build lives of their own. Cat: Geez, I'll be late for my Fresh Fruit Defense class... Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Newshounds and its continuing series Newshounds II are a long-running Furry Web Comic by Thomas K. Dye (the author of, among other things, Something Happens).

It's about a human woman, Lorna, and the six (originally four) dogs, one cat and one rat she has adopted and employed to work in television news.

Della (a dog), Kevin's steady girlfriend later in the story, was hired as a technician, then was stranded in a remote location after her owners abandoned her, but had moved in permanently by. Rochelle's memories of being a death-defying thrill-seeker never happened. Sam Shepherd (a dog) was the sports reviewer. In the original Newshounds comic strip run, the team ran KPET, a television channel operating out of Lorna's home. It's about a human woman, Lorna, and the six (originally four) dogs, one cat and one rat she has adopted and employed to work in television news. Alistair Katt (a cat) was the meteorologist.