." In einem knappen Brief teilte er Read mit, dass er nicht beabsichtige, nach Philadelphia zurückzukehren. Reed and Franklin postponed their marriage plans and Franklin traveled to England. Oktober 1773. Three months later Benjamin Franklin returned to America, believing that a peaceful settlement to the British-American conflict was no longer possible. Born January 1, 1752 Dezember 1774) war die Ehefrau von Benjamin Franklin , Polymath und einer der Gründerväter der Vereinigten Staaten . Deborah Read Franklin (c. 1708 – December 19, 1774) was the common-law spouse of inventor, printer, thinker, revolutionary and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin. August 1725 in der Christ Church in Philadelphia . Danach hörte sie auf, mit ihrem Ehemann zu korrespondieren. "Deborah Read Franklin" in The Encyclopedia of Colonial and Revolutionary America. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/educational-magazines/franklin-deborah-read, "Franklin, Deborah Read . Im November 1769 schrieb Read an Franklin, dass ihr Schlaganfall, ihre nachlassende Gesundheit und ihr depressiver Geisteszustand auf ihre "unzufriedene Not" aufgrund seiner längeren Abwesenheit zurückzuführen seien. Dezember 1774 erlitt Read einen letzten Schlaganfall und starb am 19. Reed refused to live with or recognize Rogers as her husband. With the help of some armed relatives, she told the crowd she would not allow herself to be forced from her own home. Im Dezember 1727 stahl Rogers einen Sklaven und verschwand. Sie wurde auf dem Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia beigesetzt. She had no wish to cross the ocean. Their daughter, Sarah Franklin Bache, was born in 1743. Read hatte drei Geschwister: zwei Brüder, John und James, und eine Schwester, Frances. The two young people grew to have affectionate feelings for one another, and Franklin asked Deborah Read to marry him. In 1757, Franklin embarked on the first of numerous trips to Europe. By doing so she allowed her husband, founding father Benjamin Franklin see entry, the opportunity to actively pursue his role in state and national politics in the decades before and after the American Revolution. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Around 1773 Deborah Read Franklin began experiencing health problems. Photos | Summary | Follow. (October 16, 2020). Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Labaree, Leonard W.; Ketcham, Ralph L., eds. Read würde Franklin nie wieder sehen. Am 1. Reads Mutter Mary würde der Ehe jedoch nicht zustimmen, unter Berufung auf Franklins bevorstehende Reise nach London und finanzielle Instabilität. Deborah Read was born about 1707 to John Read, a carpenter from London, England, and Sarah White Read of Birmingham, England. Deborah Read Franklin played an important role in the founding of the United States simply by taking on the management of her family business. Deborah Franklin did not share many of Benjamin Franklin's intellectual, scientific, or political interests, and, unlike him, she was uncomfortable in social situations. [12] They had two children together: Francis Folger "Franky", who died of smallpox at the age of four, and Sarah "Sally". Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University, pp. Royal governor of New Jersey, Tory leader. 68 Profile Searches Follow. Politician, lawyer, writer, soldier Im Jahr 1768 erlitt Read den ersten einer Reihe von Schlaganfällen, die ihre Sprache und ihr Gedächtnis stark beeinträchtigten. In June 1776 William Franklin was arrested by New Jersey patriots as an "enemy to the liberties" of America and was confined to his home. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Dezember. Trotz des Zustands seiner Frau kehrte Franklin nicht nach Philadelphia zurück, obwohl er seine diplomatischen Aufgaben erfüllt hatte. The second of seven children, Read received little formal education; almost nothing else is known about her childhood. Despite his wife's condition, Franklin did not return to Philadelphia even though he had completed his diplomatic duties. Born c. 1707Died December 19, 1774Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She could neither claim to be a widow as there was no proof that Rogers was dead. John Dickinson helped guide American public opinion in the years before the American Revolution.…, The English literary and social critic William Hazlitt (1778-1830) is best known for his informal essays, which are elegantly written and cover a wid…, Williams, Roger