“Institutionalizing intersectionality in Europe: Introducing the theme.” International Feminist Journal of Politics 11(4): 459–477.Find this resource: Kaplan, Gisela. 1982. In the United States, women and men are equally likely to attend a protest or sign a petition (Burns, Scholzman, & Verba, 2001).

It has also led to calls for women to be recognised as ‘members of a particular social group’ within the meaning of the Convention and offered protection on this basis. Gender differences in voting preferences in American elections, 1948–2012. 2012. When and where political parties mobilize on the basis of gender or reach out to women as a potential bloc of voters, new issues may be prioritized in the political process. 1958. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.Find this resource: McBride Stetson, Dorothy, and Amy G. Mazur, eds. First identified in American politics, the gender gap in favor of men was supported by comparative research. Although men and women vote at similar rates today, women still trail men in important participatory attitudes and activities such as political interest and discussion. The difference women make: The policy impact of women in Congress.


2007. “Demarginalizing the intersection of race and sex.” In D. Kelly Weisberg, ed., Feminist legal theory: Foundations, vol. 2009. APSA report on the advancement of women in political science. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.Find this resource: Franceschet, Susan, and Jennifer M. Piscopo. In the United States, Atkeson (2003) finds women candidates must be both competitive and visible to affect women’s political efficacy, discussion, and knowledge. Religion and the gender vote gap: Women’s changed political preferences from the 1970s to 2010. And in November 2011, the lower houses of government in Rwanda and Andorra were composed of at least 50 percent women. Individual bodies may be typed as male or female, masculine or feminine, heterosexual or homosexual, transgendered or nongendered in a dizzying variety of ways across cultures and over time. Across 18 industrialized democracies, women are more likely to sign a petition or raise money for a social or political group but less likely to join a demonstration (Coffe & Bolzendahl, 2010). 2001. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.Find this resource: Weldon, S. L. 2002b.

Politics & Gender, 5: 349–375.Find this resource: Gelb, Joyce. London: SAGE.Find this resource: Wängnerud, Lena. Measuring the scope of gender gaps in political preferences and political activity has proven easier than explaining the forces behind these dynamic gaps. Male authority and female autonomy: A study of the matrilineal nayars of Kerala, South India. The concept note indicates the plenary segment will focus on concrete actions to achieve this goal. On the one hand, resources may be connected to gender differences in political knowledge. Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Politics & Gender, 10(1), 62–88.Find this resource: Box-Steffensmeier, Janet, De Boef, S., & Tse-Min Lin, T.-M. (2004). [Publication: Gender norms and women in politics: Evaluating progress and identifying challenges on the 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Platform] [ODI press release] Particular notions of politics reproduce particular kinds of gendered subject positions and agents and result in particular performances of gender (cf. Political violence by the state aims to disable opposition or resistance by so intimidating a population as to forcibly ‘depoliticize’ it. The concept of ‘politics’ is critical to the process of determining whether an individual applicant should be recognised as a refugee within the meaning of the Refugee Convention. 1988. Intersectionality can therefore appear to have disciplinary functions as a governmental discourse that produces more identities (Grabham 2009, 199). The private roots of public action: Gender, equality and political participation. In the Philippines, income from domestic worker care work is the number one export and the largest source of foreign currency, while Lim (1998) estimates that income from sex work comprises between 2 and 11 percent of the gross domestic product of Thailand. (p. 2) Comparative Political Studies, 37(1), 30–57.Find this resource: Hancock, A.-M. (2007) Intersectionality as a normative and empirical paradigm. “When are interests interesting? Gender in political theory. Quotas as a ‘fast track’ to equal representation for women: Why Scandinavia is no longer the model. Justice and the politics of difference. For instance, elections that highlight social welfare issues may yield larger gender gaps in vote outcomes. We 1980. Neoliberalism, the financial crisis, and various processes of de-democratization (Verloo 2011) are fundamentally shaping the political context and the austerity measures are having a very differentiated impact by gender (as well as by race, class, and disability). Indeed, only by considering these complexities can we fully understand contemporary political behavior. In Sexual Politics, Kate Millett (1968, 23) defines politics as “power structured relationships, arrangements whereby one group of persons is controlled by another.” Enloe (1996) points out that study of power must include not only those perceived as the “powerful” but also all those involved in the realization of power and influence for those at the top.