the (luxury) food industry in the Western Cape of South Taking particular examples into account, the study struggled to prove why Saudi Arabia for example, could not suffer a civil war because the country has passed the 6000USD GDP mark and its current economy can’t afford to allow an insurrection whose lasting effects will be badly felt for ages to come. That being stated, 85 articles have been analyzed: a) thirty articles from eight Italian newspapers: Il Corriere della Sera; La Repubblica;; La Stampa; Il Messaggero; Il Giornale; Il Fatto Quotidiano; Il Mattino; b) twenty-two articles from ten American newspapers: The New York Post; Marie Claire 7 ; Daily News; The Washington Post; West African area involves a wide range of indigenous goat breeds well adapted to harsh environmental and precarious husbandry conditions but have low genetic potentials. Although the nature of the alliance is said to have always run against the tide, it is, however, important to notice the impact of Benin's extension of influence in Ekiti land which brought about cultural integration between the two communities. The original site of the AID organization has a logo that includes a drawing of Mahatma Gandhi. To locate the study within the context of theoretical framework, Media Imperialism Theory is employed. A thousand years later, the East-West Schism separated the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church from each other. The grain was enriched with Vitamin E, an antioxidant, which decreased the population‘s natural immunity. It is only within the context of a just society that we can talk of peace. Western culture now is regarded as frontline civilisation. With the exception of South Africa, average  per‐capital  income  in  1997  was  $315;  making  Africa  the  poorest part of the world. The nature of this relationship was mostly on the cultural, commercial and political ground. This paper, based on the differences of the Chinese and western cultures, studies the translation methods and strategies used in the translation activities of the translator with different cultural background, and probes into the influence of the difference between the Chinese and the western culture on the translation. This forced the spectators and the art world to think about art, rather than just enjoying the colours and subject matter (such as a beautiful landscape). One popular notion follows that the missionaries who came to Africa not only brought religion but also their own traditions, such as wedding in a church. In absolute figure,  the  number  of  Africans  living  in  extreme  poverty  rose  from  89.6 million to 233.5 million over the same period. Secondly, it reviewed the elements that make up each of the states mentioned thereby highlighting the fundamental differences that surround each. Changes in diet, which often result from contact with a new culture, can affect public health. In that kekawin, Rama gave kind of advice to Wibisana to run the kingdom Alenkapura based on the concept of Asta Brata leadership. There are three main concepts of TPM that Nakajima has. Globalization tends to diminish the value of cultural practices of Africa. The idea is that tradition could not still rampant without welcoming some modern way of life as integrating with new ways can be beneficial if done carefully. The dominant culture type in both PHC-MoH and PHC-UNRWA was based on the highest average culture type score. Before determining to bring local diet into line with a preconceived notion of healthy eating, our hypothetical health worker should first realize that local dishes can be repositories of community wisdom. Importantly, Lawino accepts her ignorance of western way of doing things like playing, dressing and dancing. One final set of comments is worth pointing out. Beliefs in traditional medicine persevere through even high levels of Western medical education. With Africa subjugated and dominated, the Western culture and European mode of civilisation began to thrive and outgrow African cultural heritage. The  average  GDP  of  sub‐Saharan  African  Countries  (excluding  South  Africa)  is  at  about  $2  billion,  no  more  than  the  output  of  a  town of 60,000 people in a rich  country (Bush  and Mohan, 2001:149‐153). In particular, graduate nurses in Canada and the United States, are entering the workforce with low levels of knowledge and skills in relation to utilizing ICTs to document within electronic applications, create electronic nursing care plans, and perform data entry (Fetter, 2008, 2009a; Nagle & Clarke, 2004). West African dishes has been shown to have antiviral properties. t value obtained is -0.65 <1.96 with its unstandardized coefficient of - 0.09. Even Twumasi (1975: 119), predicted that the spread of Western education would result in ―an eclipse of traditional cosmology‖. LPD Pecatu was built on December 12 th , 1988 with I Ketut Giriarta as the head of the LPD, he was helped by a secretary and a treasurer, LPD Kedonganan was lead by I Ketut Madra as the head of LPD to the end of 2016 so the total time of his leadership reaches 25 years. The current regime’s political conspiracy and survival owe a meticulous debt to France over the years. Digital Media and Cultural Globalisation: The Fate of African Value System, Unveiling The Influence Of Culture On Healthcare Delivery In Sub- Saharan Africa, The influence of BBBEE regulations on entrepreneurs in Besides,  about  186  million  people  are  chronically  undernourished,  while one out of  every three  Africans  suffers extreme poverty  (Onitiri, 2001:5). It ensures that elected politicians have respect for the system and maintain a state of order, transparency, accountability, social justice and the freedom of the people. Most significantly, it equally ensures that the spending and planning of the present generation is mindful of the interests of the generations yet unborn. This paper examines the various reasons of convergence between the Benin culture in one hand and the Ekiti people on the other side. with the value of t obtained for 3.85> 1.96 with its unstandardized coefficient of 0.52, the PI variable has a positive and significant effect on the ET variable. The total GDP of all 48 countries on  the continent combined came to little more than the income of  Belgium. with the value of t obtained for 4.91> 1.96 with its unstandardized coefficient of 0.71, the PK variable has a positive and significant effect on the ET variable. 59 This. Thanks to the expert works of Collier and Hoeffler (2004), Collier and Hoeffler and Rohner (2009) so much about civil wars and their causes in Africa have been explored. Globalization on the other hand is a continuation and expansion of western imperialism. One study showed that grain offered as famine relief to one African country coincided with a sharp increase in malaria infection. Observing the literature explanation above, it can be seen that Artha as the head of LPD Kuta unconsciously has did such kind of coordination to determine their vision, missions, objectives, and target of the LPD can be reached. As  the  United  Nations  Conference  on  Trade  and  Developmentʹs  ʺLeast  Developed  Countries  2002ʺ  report  has  shown,  the  proportion  of  people  in  29  countries  living below $2 per day increased from 82% in the late 1960s to  87.5% in the 1990s. In order to achieve the objective of the study, qualitative research method is adopted whereby relevant literature, documents and records are consulted and analysed in order to underscore digital media or globalisation and the fate of African value system. Language like English found its way to becoming a spoken language and is understood as the standard world over. Africa, The Influence of Chinese and Western Culture on English-Chinese Translation, Reporting the natural environmental hazards occurrences and fatalities over the last century, BENIN-EKITI RELATION: AN ONUS OF SUBSTANTIATION, Civil Society and Politics in Africa – The Case of Cameroon (Analyzing the Role of Civil Society in the Democratization Process in Cameroon), Contemporary human manners as reflected in East African Poetry: A tri- model characters in Okot p’ Bitek’s Song of Lawino, Globalization, New Regionalism and the Challenge of Development in Africa, Influence of Leadership Behaviour, Academic Culture and Innovative Behaviour in Effective Teaching of Lecturers, The Challenges of Human Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Way Forward, The representation of Hindu leadership in the culture of LPD organization, An Exploration of the Influence of Nursing Education Culture on the Integration of Nursing Informatics Competencies Into a Collaborative Nursing Program Curriculum, Influence of organizational culture on provider adherence to the diabetic clinical practice guideline: using the competing values framework in Palestinian Primary Healthcare Centers, Kurdish Female Fighters: the Western Depiction of YPJ Combatants in Rojava, Recent Developments in Goat Farming and Perspectives for a Sustainable Production in Western Africa, The Motive of Civil War in Africa: Case Study Comparing South Sudan and the Central Africa Republic, POP Culture: Interaction of and Influence on the Youth, The Influence of Organizational Culture on Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) Practices in Manufacturing Companies, Culture and Usability Evaluation: The Effects of Culture in Structured Interviews.