Methane (the main constituent in natural gas) is produced in large quantities by microorganisms present in rice fields, making rice production a significant contributor to climate change. A stronger greenhouse effect will warm the ocean and partially melt glaciers and ice sheets, increasing sea level. A hydrocarbon gas produced both through natural sources and human activities, including the decomposition of wastes in landfills, agriculture, and especially rice cultivation, as well as ruminant digestion and manure management associated with domestic livestock. It is caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, mainly from human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation and farming. A simplified animation of the greenhouse effect. Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Just as we create greenhouse gases, we can also take steps to reduce those emissions. The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 414 parts per million in the last 150 years. Scientists attribute the global warming trend observed since the mid-20th century to the human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. If optimal temperature ranges for some crops are exceeded, earlier possible gains in yield may be reduced or reversed altogether. Susan Callery It's Not Only About Power and Transportation. Methane. The United States government estimates project that, barring major reform, China will double its emissions by 2040, due to its heavy reliance on fossil fuels for steel production and electricity. To a lesser extent, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. Climate change can cause new patterns of pests and diseases to emerge, affecting plants, animals and humans, and posing new risks for food security, food safety and human health.2. These are the sub-sectors which produce the most emissions after those from electricity consumption are added. Travel through Earth's recent climate history and see how increasing carbon dioxide, global temperature and sea ice have changed over time. Eleven-year averages are used to reduce the year-to-year natural noise in the data, making the underlying trends more obvious. Throughout most of human history, and certainly, before human beings emerged as a dominant species throughout the world, all climate changes were the direct result of natural forces like solar cycles and volcanic eruptions. Just the process of extracting and processing coal, natural gas, or oil involves the release of greenhouse gases -- those activities make up 11% of the total emissions. The satellite data show a very slight drop in solar irradiance (which is a measure of the amount of energy the Sun gives off) over this time period. About 90 percent of this heat is then absorbed by the greenhouse gases and radiated back toward the surface. The various industrial processes that use fossil fuels are also to blame. The consequences of changing the natural atmospheric greenhouse are difficult to predict, but some effects seem likely: Outside of a greenhouse, higher atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels can have both positive and negative effects on crop yields. Electricity generation occurs mainly in thermal power plants. It's reasonable to assume that changes in the Sun's energy output would cause the climate to change, since the Sun is the fundamental source of energy that drives our climate system. Longer-term estimates of solar irradiance have been made using sunspot records and other so-called “proxy indicators,” such as the amount of carbon in tree rings. Nitrous oxide. Video: Ozone Watch 2018 Gases, such as water vapor, which respond physically or chemically to changes in temperature are seen as "feedbacks.". The main cause of global warming is an increase in carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, with an increase in methane levels making a small contribution. China emits almost twice the amount of greenhouse gases as the US, which it surpassed in 2006 as the world’s top contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide. China emits almost twice the amount of greenhouse gases as the US, which it surpassed in 2006 as the world’s top contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide. Here is a list of the world's largest producers of CO2 emissions, according to the World Resources Institute. Credit: The Sun as seen from NASA's STEREO-B mission. By Jessica Dillinger on October 25 2019 in Environment. However, other factors, such as changing temperatures, ozone, and water and nutrient constraints, may more than counteract anypotential increase in yield. See how climate change has affected glaciers, sea ice, and continental ice sheets. Cement production hinges on a chemical reaction that releases massive amounts of carbon dioxide. The first sector on our list is electricity generation and heat production, which accounts for approximately 28% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. This includes natural gas leaks during the extraction, transportation, and delivery phases. Instead, they have observed a cooling in the upper atmosphere, and a warming at the surface and in the lower parts of the atmosphere. Video: For 15 years, GRACE tracked freshwater movements around the world. Responsible stewardship also means encouraging sustainable agricultural and forestry practices. If the warming were caused by a more active Sun, then scientists would expect to see warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere. Warmer conditions will probably lead to more evaporation and precipitation overall, but individual regions will vary, some becoming wetter and others dryer. They then warm the atmosphere, the surface of the land, and the oceans. How do we know that changes in the Sun aren’t to blame for current global warming trends? The link between humans and global warming is much like the smoking-cancer connection. How Will Global Warming Affect Human Beings? Is the Sun to Blame? This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. Video: For 15 years, GRACE tracked freshwater movements around the world. On average, Earth will become warmer. For example, large quantities of natural gas are needed to produce the synthetic fertilizers used in conventional agriculture. For example, a decrease in solar activity coupled with an increase in volcanic activity is thought to have helped trigger the Little Ice Age between approximately 1650 and 1850, when Greenland cooled from 1410 to the 1720s and glaciers advanced in the Alps. Track Earth's vital signs from space and fly along with NASA's Earth-observing satellites in an interactive 3D visualization. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. The above graph compares global surface temperature changes (red line) and the Sun's energy that Earth receives (yellow line) in watts (units of energy) per square meter since 1880. So the Sun doesn't appear to be responsible for the warming trend observed over the past several decades. Some regions may welcome warmer temperatures, but others may not. The most abundant greenhouse gas, but importantly, it acts as a feedback to the climate. A powerful greenhouse gas produced by soil cultivation practices, especially the use of commercial and organic fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion, nitric acid production, and biomass burning. Land clearing (for agriculture or other types of land use) exposes the soil which allows the release of carbon dioxide. Over the decades, scientists have succeeded in confidently tracing how much of climate change can be directly tied to human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels. Countries Where Illegal Wildlife Trade Is A Major Threat To Wildlife. And it's not just rice: lots of methane is also produced by cattle and other herbivorous livestock. The US has never entered into any binding treaty to curb greenhouse gases, but has cut more carbon dioxide emissions than any other nation nevertheless. Daniel Bailey. Latest resources Along with the Industrial Revolution and an increasing population size, humans began altering climates with ever-growing influence, and eventually surpassed natural causes in their ability to change the climate. Water vapor. Carbon dioxide is responsible for 53% of the level of global warming. How Much Of The Amazon Rainforest Is Left? The Sun as seen from NASA's STEREO-B mission. Today, the country accounts for approximately 23 percent of all global CO2 emissions. Indeed, studies show that solar variability has played a role in past climate changes. Science Editor: Pollution, whether it is vehicular, electrical or industrial, is the main contributor to global warming. Science Editor: Greenhouse gases are released into the air, where they persist for a long period at high altitude and absorb reflected sunlight. If optimal temperature ranges for some crops are exceeded, earlier possible gains in yield may be reduced or reversed altogether. It should become clear from reading this list that a whole suite of solutions is necessary to tackle climate change, beginning with the switch to renewable energy.