What does the narrator mean when she says ..”that gods walk about her barefoot with no ermine and gold studded cloaks”. How many sections do we have in this story? Explain the major problems in the second story, ‘Summer sun’. Things continue as they are. The village people shows that people care (the narrator). The young girl in the Summer sun is also determined. 1. Those who have misjudged the old woman (people in the village) have also misjudged God. It is also noticeable that Head states that with poverty comes fear and anxiety. Head is saying that life in Africa is tough for people. Hence her using the term second skin. Can you please summarize the story village people in a simple way so that I can understand and explain it to other people. A young teenage girl works the land with her family. Noting the setting that it’s an African setting where 3 or more generations do live under the same roof. 3 lebenah Your summaries really helped me understand the story so much better. You’ll find an answer to your question in another comment I replied to here. I would think that the theme is one of acceptance. That they owe the world nothing and if anything it is the world that owes them. 4which place is she refering to as HERE? There is this part that I don’t understand and I just need some clarification on it. Name two characteristics of African people. Though I don’t see any change in the Old woman section. The narrator also goes into some detail of his relationship with a woman and how it can drain his strength. 4. In the Old Woman section the old woman is suffering because she is hungry. 3. 5. What is the significance of the opening essay? Usually denouement is the climax of a chain of events, usually when something is decided or made clear. My Africa! How do they do use sledge for communication? It’s hard work because of the sun (there is no rain for the crops). 2:name three features of the old woman which prove to the reader that she is poor. Head is using the word nakedly (figuratively) to highlight to the reader how desperate the old woman is. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. 4. In the Summer sun the narrator has the possibility to change and as such improve her life. You could view the politicians actions as being symbolism for hope. With a pail of water. By telling that reader that everything is ‘jealously guarded’ Head many be suggesting that very little is given away by nature which in turn may suggest that life is a struggle for those who live in the village. 3. Also the narrator is possibly pregnant which would also be part of the rising action. Without rain the crops won’t grow. With poverty comes desperation and the old woman is definitely desperate. She is desperate for food. 5.Why is the narrator saying that poverty has majority backing in the Village People? Discuss your view? I’ve never read the book but your summary aroused so much interest. Symbolically the narrator may have learnt that there is a world outside the village. The old woman is desperate for food while the young woman may feel somewhat embarrassed (hence her silence at first) over what has happened. I wrote about Maru in 2004 and now am doing short stories hoping to do well. Something which may be a contradiction. The old woman is a round character because she changes (finds food). I don’t think race is an issue whereas the other social attitudes you mention do come to the forefront. I go through the themes of the story in the post. If anything the sun causes drought and hardship for the narrator. Something that that the politician is responsible for. 2 when the narrator keeps ‘her face empty’ what does it mean? He also appears to be in conflict with wanting to live in a larger more settled village or town where the difficulties of his own village are not found. The birth of an ‘illegitimate baby’has a negative impact on the narrator’s family life.state two points. Things may be different. Perhaps the narrator is surprised by the young relative’s actions over such a simple act of kindness. try Head’s Tales of Tenderness. 4. 1. Taken from her Tales of Tenderness and Power collection the story is narrated by several different narrators and from the beginning of the story the reader realises that Head may be exploring the theme of poverty and acceptance. Explain the reason for the contrast in the way the birds and the narrator Welcome Sunrise Each day. List three problems that are mentioned in the story. In the old woman section the rising action occurs when we learn of the old woman first struggling to find water and food. What is the whole theme about the village people short story. As for the theme it is possible that Head through these lines is exploring the theme of kindness. The sun is of ten worshiped as provider of light ,warmth and happiness. First person narrator (young teenage girl). Like a second skin. In which of the two stories would you say a solution and the message of hope is revealed by the writer? The villagers appear to accept what is happening to them. Thank you so much. Giving the narrator a pail of water. Can u characterize the following characters 3. There are several sections in the story. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Village_people, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Morali. Thanks you very much for your response, it’s really helpful. Thanks for an answer. Why is the narrator saying that we tend to push aside all new intrusion in the Village People? By suggesting that poverty has major backing or support is the opposite to how an individual would feel about poverty. You’re welcome. Your help would be appreciated. She returned the greeting, keeping her face empty and carefully averted. You are a life saver thanks. For her the sun provides hardship. 2 what does it mean ” The one who has shaken loose “. can you please help me with this question regarding the short story “the old woman”………………..Critically examine how the old woman,her young relative and the narrator each deal with social attitudes towards age,gender,race,class,language and social responsibility? 2. 1. The narrator is showing the old woman empathy while others in the village are laughing at the old woman and her hardships. I’m glad that you found the post helpful. . Why do you think they are so impressed by him? It is as though the young girl is in conflict with herself. Refer to line 22 ( those who judge my country Africa by gain and greed) Just like the old woman the young girl is also struggling to overcome the hardships she faces. How they struggle more than those who live in the towns or cities. 2.Love and warmth. Firstly the land is difficult to farm which causes problems for the narrator and her family. AXTRACT B Why eye-looking mentioned in the Village people first page is described as of the earth all about? As far as I know visual literacy deals with images (or pictures). Can you explain “like a quiet second skin” for me please…. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Does this influence the story in any way? 3:explain why the following statement is true. She wants to go back to education but knows that circumstances are against her.