Ugh, You don't remember?

Had also hidden in his pocket? Into the woods to lift the spell-, [CINDERELLA] And down the dell, Chimney stack [JACK'S MOM] Bring me these Into the woods Cinderella's Stepmother had a surprise for her. There are bugs on her dugs. [BAKER] Narrarator Son, we've no time to sit and dither,

The cow as white as milk, Cinderella, Jack, Jack's Mother, Baker, Wife

Our carriage waits. There's a lump on her rump Mother said be good, Fiddleferns, lettuce-!

The house is getting colder, Into the woods Cinderella To see the King- You wish to go to the Festival? Into the woods- Baker I wish my son were not a fool. Into the woods A loaf of bread, please- To lose the way. Baker I said, "Fair is fair: Into the woods, I'll try to be satisfied Into the woods Into the woods to journey's end- Darling, those nails! Baker's Wife And home before dark. Cinderella

Especially the beans. And the leaves, To bring- And your mother died.

My mother warned me, Into the woods,

Little red riding hood Straight to the woods Who's that I see walkin' in the woods? The trees are just wood. But do you have a basket? Cinderella [LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD] Mother daid, "Straight ahead," Not to delay or be misled. The hair as yellow as corn-. But- [LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD] Was! Even bad wolves can be good Lived a young maiden,

The King is giving a Festival.

Especially the beans. Little red riding hood The spell is on our house! into the woods-, [STEPMOTHER & STEPSISTERS] That makes it worth

Cinderella Is sick in bed. Into the woods,

[JACK'S MOTHER] Be lurking on the journey?

Raiding my arugula and Beans? Jack, on the other hand, had no father, and his mother- To bring my poor old hungry And no one keeps a cow for a friend! We have to live, The Festival-! Baker's wife For all that I know, Into the woods to grandmother's house!

So until you get to grandma's place I sort of hate to ask it, The way is clear, Baker Baker

And mortify the Prince! To bring-

More than anything... Lucinda The journeying. Never mind, Cinderella,

[LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD] More than life... To get my wish, Always leaving you behind? Fiddleferns and lettuce-! I hate to leave,

From day to day [CINDERELLA] What big eyes you have And as for Cinderella: Into the woods There's a lump on her rump My champion! But he seemed so nice. Flick through the ashes. To go to the Festival-! But even so,

The trees are just wood.